Party We're holding Welcome Travelers Party in Japan. (Currently, Tokyo and Shizuoka) But, we hold it other area sometime.

Trip We have been offering Japan Highlight Trip. If you're interested in it, why don't you join us?

What's Japan Highlight Trip?

Hospitality WishClub help tourists in Japan. If you're interested in visiting Japan, please check the "HOSPITALITY" page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q What are your main activities?
A We mainly organize various kinds of parties, barbeques and other such social events.
Q At these events, what kind of things do people get up to?
A Most participants are happy and comfortable mingling freely with each other. Guests, members and staff alike are encouraged to treat everybody fairly and equally so nobody gets singled out or embarrassed. Everyone just gets on with their own thing and has a great time.
Q What kind of people come?
A As the club is based in Japan, a good proportion of members are of course Japanese. As well as that we presently have a great number of participants from mostly English speaking countries. Occupation, interests etc. are pretty varied among participants. Every kind of person basically.
Q What is the usual age group of participants?
A Members range from toddlers accompanied by their parents to people in their fifties. The majority of participants are in their 20s and 30s.
Q How many people do you see at a typical event?
A It varies dramatically. Some events see a total of around 20 participants, others you can see more than 100. If you're a little nervous participating the first time, you may like to try joining in a smaller gathering first.
Q Do I have to speak English? <-> Do I have to speak Japanese?
A Absolutely not. WISH Club is not a language school, so participants are encouraged to speak to each other in whatever language they both feel happy with, even if it's a mixture of cheerful grunts and hand signals. At the end of the day, it's making friends and having a good time that's important.
Q I'm a little nervous about coming by myself...
A So many people say that! Then when they arrive, they're saying "What? It's like this? I should have come sooner!" Of course if you want to bring a friend along for moral support that's fine, or if you want to come by yourself then that's fine too. When you arrive, you'll quickly find it's easy to make friends. In fact, if you can't find anyone with even vaguely similar interests then THAT would be strange.

Well, I could sit around answering questions all day, but the surest way to know is to come along and try it for yourself. I hope to see you soon!